Hank DolworthA penitent womanShe delighted in her pious ritual before the priestAug 22, 20238Aug 22, 20238
Hank DolworthTaking Care of BusinessThe only King I recognize held a microphoneAug 23, 20235Aug 23, 20235
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthHades Orchard is a Dangerous PlaceA free-spirited girl chooses the wrong orchard and the wrong god.Nov 19, 20234Nov 19, 20234
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthMYTHHe’s about to find out the truth…Oct 27, 20234Oct 27, 20234
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthFemme FataleCreative verse for the stereotypical femme fataleOct 25, 20234Oct 25, 20234
Hank DolworthA Storm’s Comin’Preparation doesn’t prevent but can limit damageOct 24, 2023Oct 24, 2023
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthIt feels like drowningWhat is seen is only the tip of the icebergOct 23, 20236Oct 23, 20236
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthSnow is in the eye of the beholderA few verses of the pesky small ice crystals we love to hateOct 15, 20232Oct 15, 20232
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthFor the love of the gameHow can you not be romantic about baseball? — MoneyballOct 13, 20231Oct 13, 20231
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthLet’s try this one more time…She loves to torture him for hours.Oct 12, 20235Oct 12, 20235
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthPain is part of livingReflection on the importance of processing painOct 11, 20232Oct 11, 20232
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthAt least buy me a drink firstHe couldn’t claim that smoke got in his eyesOct 7, 20235Oct 7, 20235
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthMondayA shocking revelation comes to her at the climaxOct 6, 20232Oct 6, 20232
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthListen, Cupcake.Sometimes, you need to check yourself.Oct 5, 20233Oct 5, 20233
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthClick to refreshIt’s not an obsession if you can stop at any time.Oct 3, 20235Oct 3, 20235
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthSay itHer fragrance filled his senses and showed him the truthOct 2, 20234Oct 2, 20234
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthCareless Whispers100-word Microfiction Edit descriptionhankdolworth.medium.comOct 1, 20237Oct 1, 20237
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthDipping into SarahHe hopes to get lucky in cards, and then…Sep 29, 20236Sep 29, 20236
InFuck Around MicrofictionbyHank DolworthLachrymoseA chiasmus acrostic poem attemptSep 28, 20236Sep 28, 20236