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Reading your horoscope

He starts his birthday focused on her pleasure

3 min readDec 29, 2022


(Trigger warning: Contains DubCon themes)

December Degeneracy

31 stories

I remember when I was young, I enjoyed reading my horoscope. I believed in the fantasy that the stars were aligned just for me. As I grew older, I began to sense some repetition, and the things that used to make me hopeful for the day started to fade into helplessness.

It got worse when I got to grad school and took a class on research methods. I don’t recall if it was in that class or adjacent in some coffee-fueled discourse with friends that I learned of an experiment done with students for a study the professor was doing.



Erotic Romance and Erotica author. I write mostly microfiction erotic teases for Medium. These keep the creativity flowing.